Sindalah Island, a groundbreaking luxury destination within NEOM, signifies a pivotal milestone in Saudi Arabia’s tourism strategy. Spearheaded by His Royal Highness Mohammed bin Salman, it is poised to become the Red Sea’s premier gateway, offering bespoke nautical experiences and creating 3,500 jobs. With an expansive area of 840,000 square meters, Sindalah embodies NEOM’s commitment to sustainable development. Featuring an 86-berth marina,ultra-premium accommodations, and a world-class golf course, it promises an unparalleled experience. Sindalah’s allure lies in its state-of-the-art amenities, strategic location, and dedication to preserving the region’s stunning marine environment. As NEOM continues to redefine luxury travel, Sindalah emerges as a beacon of innovation and elegance on the international stage.